Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Faith or Fear

Lately I’ve been feeling like my life is on shaky ground. The shakiness stems back to my job and lack of job security (Gordon’s too). The other health educator who works for my same division has found herself a new job so now I have double the work and still no word if I will have a job after June. I think about this constantly. Lately I’ve had a lot of fear in my thoughts. I’ve only been thinking about all the bad things that could happen. Not a good thing to do…pretty much a downer. It shouldn’t surprise me that again in church the lesson was meant for me.

Arrienne gave a very simple and much needed lesson on faith this past Sunday. She told us about her grandma. Her grandma thought there were two emotions: faith or fear. If you went to her with a problem she would ask you first if you had prayed about it, then if you had faith or fear. She heard this ‘faith or fear’ question throughout her life. Are you going to be positive about the situation or negative?

You can’t just say you have faith. Saying you have faith doesn’t mean you have it. You have to exercise that faith. That was the other main idea Arrienne reminded us to do. She compared exercising faith to exercising your body. You can't just think about going for a walk and get the benefits, you actually have to get up and go on the walk. You can't just think about having faith, you have to build up your faith by your actions. That is something I need to work on constantly. Especially in times of trial. It takes me a little while to remember that I have to do my part and then He will do his.

I am so blessed to have a Heavenly Father who hears and answers my prayers. That lesson was meant for me. I need to exercise my faith more in everything that I do. By doing so everything will work out as He intends.


Tami said...

I totally agree. I LOVED Arrienne's lesson about Faith or Fear! I thought it was great! I'm glad you brought it up so that I can remember it.

Kandyce said...

Thanks for posting this! I really needed this today.

Michelle said...

That was such a great lesson! I loved the whole faith or fear thing. Thanks for you thoughts :).

Rich'n'Rach said...

I think I needed that lesson, too--thanks for sharing it with me! You're so strong and have such a good heart. You and Gordon are perfect for each other, and I know that things are going be great for you guys. Thanks for the inspiration, Jess.