Saturday, January 31, 2009

"The Best Is Yet To Come"

Our ward is such an awesome ward. The members are one of a kind. I never thought I would say this but I don't like it when we miss because I feel like I'm going to miss out on something I need in my life. We missed last Sunday because of a water issue and I felt that throughout my week. We'll be missing this Sunday because our nephew is being blessed. But I won't feel it as much as I did last week because of one relief society teacher's efforts to get make the sister's more involved in her lessons.

Michelle Trujillo is a wonderful relief society teacher. You can tell that each lesson she teaches has been prepared with a lot of praying and studying done on her part. When it's her turn to teach she sends out an email to all of the sisters in the relief society telling us what ensign talk the lesson will be on and shares a thought. Most of the time I will prepare myself. This week she sent out the email. Knowing I wasn't going to be there this Sunday I made that much more of an effort to read and study the talk. I just finished this morning. I know that Michelle and Bishop Prete are working with the Spirit because this talk was meant specifically for me.

"Let Him Do It with Simplicity" by Elder L. Tom Perry is the talk this weeks lesson is on. Michelle summarized the talk perfectly in her email. "Elder Perry talks about how simplifying our lives can help us obtain relief from the stresses of life. He talks about the four basic needs of life (that David Thoreau came up with), as well as the spiritual benefits of a simplified lifestyle."

Right now the economy is scary. In some way or another the economy effects you. Only recently am I feeling the effects. For the past few months Gordon's job has been on shaking ground. He's in sales. People aren't spending money quite as much as they use to. They have laid off 8 of their sales staff and currently only have 4 on the sales team. Fortunately enough Gordon is one of the four. He just graduated last month. Not more than 6 months ago we were talking about all of the different jobs that he could apply for once he was finished. Those jobs are not there anymore. Don't get me wrong, there are jobs out there that he can apply for and most likely get, but none of them are his 'out of school career' job he dreamed of. We're bummed and worried.

I work for the state. State budgets are being cut. I thought I wouldn't be effected by the economy so much because I worked for the state (I don't know why I thought this OK). Wrong. The programs I work for as a health educator are under legislature to be cut and if they get cut I could get cut too.

We just bought a house. Enough said about that.

Elder L. Tom Perry's talk helped ease my worries. Although a lot of what he said is hard to do, I know Gordon and I have to do it, more specifically I know I have to do it. I know that life gets crazy. I let the stress and anxiety get the best of me when instead I should "endure the varied seasons of life while remaining positive, even optimistic." I will be a person of faith and hope because like Elder Perry said I know "beyond the shadow of any doubt that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true and the best is yet to come."

Some specifics of his talk that I will apply into my life are the ideas Elder Perry had from Henry David Thoreau. We have four basic needs of life: food, clothing, shelter, and fuel. I feel like I do pretty well in the food department. I eat foods that are nutritious, I exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. I also feel very blessed because of those decisions. His talk helped me remember the importance of those things.

Clothing is another need and an issue I have. I am modest. That's not my issue. I love fashion and I love shopping. I have cut way back since I've been married on the shopping. And now I know I have to pretty much eliminate it (not because of the talk but because of our situation). I know I will not lack...I have a lot of clothes. And I am really hoping that I don't have to eliminate it for the rest of my life. But I should not focus so much on what's in and what's out. Just buy what I need (need being the key word).

Our shelter is nothing fancy. When we bought our house we knew our budget and didn't go over it. I feel pretty good about that. The only debt we have is our home and cars. But Elder Perry said "We should practice and increase our habits of thrift, industry, economy, and frugality. Members of a well-managed family do not pay interest; they earn it." I can feel at ease practicing and increasing those habits. I'll start today when I go grocery shopping.

Spiritual fuel is something I can always work on. I struggle with one very major aspect and that is "surrendering our will to the will of the Lord." I love to be in control. My faith is being tested right now. This talk helped me remember to do my part and let the Lord do the rest. I'm working on it.

Once again Gordon is my rock. I had a break down a few days ago. I let the stress and anxiety have the best of me. He held me and told me that we are doing our part and we pay our tithing and everything is going to be ok. I know he's stressed but he has not once broke down. He has a lot of faith in the Lord. I am so blessed to have him as my husband. I'm sure I learn by his example more than he learns from mine.

I'm taking Elder Perry's talk and applying it in my life. I want to "experience the spiritual benefits of a simplified lifestyle."


Tami said...

Oh my heck! I feel exactly the same way about Michelle's lessons. I always feel like she does the best job preparing and getting us prepared as well. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who enjoys her lesson. I've been thinking about the economy and all of that and I worry a little bit about both my job and Nick's job as well, but I know we are blessed. Thanks for your thoughts. I feel the same. And, we'll miss you tomorrow. (I'll email you the newsletter.)

Michelle said...

You are so sweet. I love you! That makes me so happy to hear that you studied Elder Perry's talk out so thouroughly. You are such an awesome person Jessica. Thank you so much for all of your wonderful thoughts. I always love reading your blog. You are so inspiring. I'll miss you at church tomorrow. Thanks again for your thoughts! I wish you could give the lesson tomorrow :)!

Bing Math said...


Witter and Kway said...

Hey woman! We need to hang out! Do you have my number?

Kandyce said...

Hey Jessica, I happened to find your blog through Michelle T's blog links. Wow, what an inspiring post. I'll have to read that talk, it sounds like something I would really enjoy reading. James and I too are feeling the effects of the economy and have had some hard times, but it has taught us more than ever to put our faith in the Lord, and he hasn't let us down, and I know he won't.

I would love to add you to my blog list if you don't mind? It's good to hear you're well!


Lindsey said...

Wow! I really enjoy reading your blogs, but that one made me tear up a little. I am sorry you are having to deal with the government cuts, I hope that you do not lose your job. All I have been wanting all year is to find a job like yours, and to find out that you are in such a situation makes me feel a little better that I didn't "succeed" at finding a job because I know that we could not survive without my income. I really hope that you don't have to go through that :( I have those breakdowns just like you described about worrying about what will happen and how we will get through things, and just like you, Jared is my rock. I have so much to learn from him in how he views life. I hope all is well for you guys and if you ever need anything let us know.

Anonymous said...

Michelle mentioned your blog on Sunday so I decided to have a look. Thanks for the insights. I love how your blog is upfront and not sugar coated - that's how life really is.

Lindsey Rose said...

You said it! I loved this talk and I love your thoughts on it. I will have to go back and read it agin, thanks for your spiritual upliftment!