Monday, November 3, 2008

In Loving Memory of Grandma Petersen

Gordon’s Grandma was one of the sweetest people I know. She was always concerned about us. Whenever we went to visit her or talked to her on the phone she was always more concerned with our life and the adventures we were having than her own.

When we first got our dogs Grandma Petersen wanted to see them (they were like new grandchildren!). We decided to surprise her one Saturday afternoon with a visit from all of us. She was so excited (which really is an understatement) to see us. Our dogs were very excited to meet her. They climbed on her Jazzy trying to get to her lap. Little did I know that Grandma was not really a pet person. She did give in towards the end of our visit and pet them. They loved it!

On my birthday this past year I got a really thoughtful card from Grandma. I called to thank her for it and we talked for a good twenty minutes about my birthday plans, the different gifts I received, and then the conversation moved to our lives with work and school. When I asked her about herself, she replied “Oh, I’m fine sweetheart” and that was that. I remember her telling me that she loved me and was very proud of Gordon and me. I was very touched. When I got off the phone I told Gordon “Your Grandma is such a sweet lady.” He smiled and nodded his head ‘yes.’

Those are just some of my memories with Grandma Petersen. Gordon has many more and we will both always cherish each of them. We know she is much happier now reuniting with her husband who died too early in their life together and her brother who was there for her when she needed him the most. We will miss her cheerfulness, positivity, and unselfishness that she showed us every moment we saw her. We know she’ll still be watching our lives unfold. She’ll meet our kids before we will, and they too can know how special Grandma Petersen is.


Kara Simmons. said...

So sorry for your loss. It is bittersweet losing Grandparents.

Question for you! I have to interview a health educator for a class I am in this semester and I was wonderding if I could interview you! Just let me know! I will send you the questions through email so it won't take up too much of your time. So if you can just leave a comment on my blog or email me at with your email address!

katherine purser said...

What a sweet Grandma! I love grandparents SO much! I seriously believe it is good needed therapy to visit/talk/spend time with grandparents. They truly are so unselfish and have an unconditional love we all hope to have one day! Good post!:)Hope all is well during your loss...