Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Day To Honor And Remember

I am grateful to be an American. My heart is full of gratitude for those that serve and have served our country.

I had the opportunity to participate in a local senior activity center's Veteran's Day celebrations today. I met some wonderful Veterans who deserved every bit of recognition they received and more. I met a man that received a purple heart. What a courageous man he is. I met many men that served in Vietnam, World War II, Korea, and Desert Storm. I thanked each one of them for their service and willingness to lay their life down for our country's freedom.

We are living in times of war today. I continue to live my life the same each day without any worry for my safety. A lot of that safety I feel comes from men like I met today. Courageous, tough, strong-willed, determined, loyal, proud, and brave. I am blessed to live in America.


Michelle said...

I found your blog, yay! I'll be checking it out from now on! I love all your posts and pictures!

Anonymous said...

Let's hang out. we are bored!