Friday, November 27, 2009

If you've got the cash, I've got the car

I’ve never been one to go out on ‘Black Friday’ and shop {although I love a great deal}. Gordon is not a big shopper. He avoids it at all cost. It was to my surprise when he told my nephew that he would wake up at 4:30am to go shopping with him {his specific words were “If you’ve got the cash, I’ve got the car” because my nephew had just won a decent amount of money and really wanted to buy an x-box game…and he’s thirteen so he can’t legally drive himself so my dear sweet husband said he’d take him…my nephew is also a smart shopper and wanted to get a good deal so he would still have some money left over to play with}. It all made more sense to me when Gordon told me the real reason he wanted to go was to fight with people. My dear sweet non-violent husband wanted nothing more than to shove people out of the way for an item that he could care less about {he wanted to find the ‘hot’ item and fight people for it, regardless of what the item was}. And if he got a punch or two in there, that was his gain.

Boys are funny.

But I sure do love my funny boy (s) – I have to include my nephew in the love


LeeAnn said...

Just remember to never park or block him in either, you'll get more than an elbow or a push.

Lindsey said...

that's so awesome. Gordon is funny. I wanted to do the same thing except I was sick! BOO