Friday, October 8, 2010

Doggie Friday: off the leash with success

Briggs is a very good dog.  He minds us (for the most part) very well.  He does not need to be leashed when we go anywhere.  He's that kind of dog.

Abbi is smart.  I think really smart (Gordon thinks otherwise).  She listens to me (not Gordon).  But she has to be leashed.  She acts like she doesn't know her own name if she isn't.  And doesn't listen to anyone.  She's very independent and does what she wants.  We're a lot of like.

We went hiking last weekend to enjoy the beautiful fall weather and colors that were all around us.  The dogs love to hike.  Don't let their smallness fool ya.  They can hike with the best of hiking dogs.  Just like any other hike we have gone on, Briggs was free and Abbi was bound.  She kept walking beyond her leash capacity and would look back at me like "hurry up slow poke".  Gordon kept saying "Just take her off her leash" and I kept refusing and keeping her pace much slower than she wanted.  Then after struggling to keep her by my side I decided to do it.  Set her free.

She loved it.  Kept looking back at me almost in disbelief that she was free.

She would run ahead, look back to make sure we were in sight, then continue on.  Listening when I told her to stay.  Coming when I asked her to.

It was like she was a different dog.  Nope.  She's smart.  And knew how to play the game.  Because next time I'll let her be leash free.  And if she continues to do well she'll get more privileges to be free.

I hope she doesn't prove me wrong and keeps up the good wrong.

Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

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