Thursday, April 2, 2009

She Could Just Save Your Life

A while back Gordon was helping his Dad clean out their garage. Cleaning out areas like garages always make for interesting discoveries. While cleaning Gordon found a box full of ‘fat girl’ blow-up dolls. Obviously he was a bit shocked and surprised to find this in his parents garage. He showed his Dad his discovery. You would think he would be as surprised at Gordon, but he looked at them and said “Oh, those are Matt’s” and continued cleaning. So of course Gordon inquired Matt asking him “Why do you have these?” Matt told him he got the box at a previous job he was working at. A pallet full of these beauties was delivered to his work by mistake, so of course each one of the workers took a box home to enjoy. Well, being the funny man Gordon is, he asked if he could have one.

I discovered Two Ton Tina shortly after that. She was “hiding” under the passenger seat of my car. I was vacuuming under the seat and to my surprise and shock I pulled out a box with a fat girl blow-up doll. I laughed very hard. Then I got a bit curious to how it got there. My first thought was that she was a gift given to Gordon from one of his friends before we were married…bachelor party thing (although Gordon didn’t have a bachelor party I thought maybe he lied to me and he had an out of control one!) When I asked him about the doll I heard the garage cleaning story. I then asked what his plans were with his doll. This is where my hilarious creative husband tells me he wants to use her as a floatation devise at Bear Lake. I immediately loved the idea. I could picture the entire scenario…people staring at Gordon while he inflated her, then straight faced he would walk to the lake holding Two Ton Tina, then calmly resting himself on her as he sunbathed in the lake. All the while, my family and I are cracking up! It’s totally Gordon!

Well my family got to meet Tina a bit earlier than planned. While my Mom was helping us paint we were talking about Bear Lake. I then remembered Tina. I told Gordon to show my Mom the new floatie he got for Bear Lake. He seemed a bit standoffish at first, so I went downstairs and pulled her off the shelf (she was not hidden…she was on one of the shelves in the laundry room). As my Mom’s eyes met the box s he began laughing so hard she was crying. She too loved the idea.

My sister (Tanna) and nephew (Skyler) met Tina a few weeks ago. They stayed with us for few days while they were waiting to close on their house. I wanted to let them in our joke. Instead of just showing them the box, Gordon decided to blow her up (per Skyler’s request…she’s not naked or anything so it wasn’t inappropriate). From there Gordon and Skyler played “Hide the blow up doll” throughout the house. Skyler hid her in our closet; Gordon hid her in the guest bathroom’s shower they were using in the basement, etc. Here is why I am telling the history behind Tina…

During my sister and Skyler’s stay, I was having my friends over to meet another friend’s internet boyfriend. Shelli wanted to tour the house again (after the new additions like paint and décor, she wanted another tour) and went into the guest bathroom downstairs. For some reason she peeked in the shower and was startled thinking someone was in there! After we laughed, she asked why the devil we have a blow-up doll. I told her the story. So Tina then became another guest of the evening. She was just one of the girls. So much that she ended up being in our pictures.

Lower left corner...
and there's Tina

And that is why I am sharing this story. I didn’t look too closely at a picture I posted and to my surprise she was lurking in the corner. My blog is pretty much ‘G’ rated, so it was to my extended families (and friends) surprise to see her in my pics. After a few comments from them I decided I had some explaining to do. I don’t want anyone to think we’re some freaks or something! Who knows—she could just save our lives while were up at Bear Lake.


Kim Felt said...

Now I feel better about it. :) Thanks! Although, It made for some funny comments.

Lindsey Rose said...

H HA HA HA HA HA HA! That is soo funny, you better post picts of Gordon on that thing at Bear Lake!