Wednesday, April 25, 2012

i love him.

last week gordon and i were called to meet with a member of our stake presidency.  i was more nervous than gordon, even though the appointment was for him.  our bishopric was released the previous sunday and there were service callings to be filled.  we went in, my nerves were right, and gordon accepted a new church calling.  he told him that he wasn't thrilled about this new calling, expressed some "this is going to suck" feelings out loud, and then asked who he would be serving with.  the member of the stake presidency told him that he was the new bishop.  we were both taken back and gordon was a bit embarrassed at the comments he had just made (as truthful as they were...he didn't regret telling him).  i was also a bit excited.  i've never really cared about who the bishop is, but with the calling i serve in i am forced to care.  so this news put my cares at ease.
on sunday gordon was set apart for this new calling.  and i was a bucket of tears.  why?  because i love him.  i love him for being willing to do this.  i love him for being worthy to do this.  i love him for being an example to me and not complaining each second about doing this.  

i just love him. 

and as he stood and others sustained him, i loved him that much more. 

and when he was given a blessing and set apart to do this i was so proud of him.  that man, my husband.  who supports me and i will support him.

even though he's "just a secretary" (his words, not mine), i could see him going through all the emotions i went through (and am still going through).  the feelings of inadequacy, that this is not for me.  but his blessing was sincere and i know he's not alone in this.

gordon's parents and little brother, matt, and matt's wife, jenny, came to support him. matt and jenny are also in our ward. this was the first time they have come to a meeting. i loved having the two of them in our congregation. i pray they felt something and will come again. matt would be an awesome young men's leader (he could fill his brother's spot).

another reason i love him...he shares his toys.

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