Wednesday, February 16, 2011

valentine's past

since valentine's was this week, gordon and i were reminiscing all of the many (seven to be exact) valentine’s we’ve spent together. there are two that stand out most in both of our minds...

our second valentine’s day spent together we were dating.  i told gordon i was going to make him dinner. when he came to my house i served him a heart shaped peanut butter and jelly sandwich, cheetos, chocolate covered strawberries, and chocolate milk. a dinner of all of his favorite things. he said to me as we were reminiscing that he should have know i didn’t cook.

our first married valentine’s day we were both in college. i worked part-time so i was able to be home before him and make him a surprise dinner. i don’t remember what was on the menu. i do remember wearing something special for him. and having something special planned for dessert. i remember gordon had just gotten home when there was a knock on our door. neither of us were expecting visitors. gordon answered the door. it was his mom. she was dropping off a valentine’s treat. i remember hearing her voice. i was hoping she wouldn’t ask to come inside. i could feel the awkwardness as gordon told her it was best if she not come in. he closed the door. we both stared at each other. speechless. i’m still speechless when i think about it. one of my most embarrassing moments. that sunday dinner was a little uncomfortable, i remember that too.

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