Monday, March 10, 2014

life lately...

that one time i cooked a full chicken in the crockpot.
i will not be doing this again.  it was a very traumatic experience for me.
i don't eat a lot of meat.  and i rarely prepare it.
while rinses this little chicken i broke down in tears!  i could feel its every bone.
i realized i was holding what use to be a live animal.
and then briggs came up the stairs, and i looked at him and cried even more!
no, he's not a chicken, but i felt like i should apologize to him for eating another animal.
when i told gordon, one of the first things he asked was "so...what's for dinner then?"
we ate was delicious but as of right now, i have no near plans to cook one again.

a day off with my sister only means one!!
perhaps one of the hardest days of my life.  the boy turned 18.

he'll always be the boy to me now matter how old he is.
i am so proud of him and love him so so much.
sealing families together forever with my forever.
i take longer to get ready for bed than gordon.  this is my view before i lay down each night...
my boys.
attend chris's wedding...
what, you don't write an F with a heart everywhere you go?
(sound it out...)
when your husband's best friend since 7th grade finally finds true love, saying your happy for him is an understatement.
abbi meets zeus...and kept coming back to grandma reminding grandma that "she's the baby."

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I'm fine with cooking meat as long as it doesn't look like an animal. I had to make a halal meal (kosher for muslims) and had issues deboning the chicken, Justin had to do it. Also, both of those wedding cakes are amazing.