Monday, October 28, 2013

make it a competition and we'll do our best work!

i love my mother-in-law.  she makes every holiday special, making sure lasting family memories are made by all.  and she also knows how her kids and their spouses love a good competition.  easter is the egg dying contest and halloween is the pumpkin carving contest.  this year we each got our own pumpkins (littles included).  we finished dinner early and went to town carving our pumpkins!  one of my favorite parts: baby 's' and her family participated via facetime!  even though they live a couple of states away, they are still at every sunday dinner and participate in every family tradition.  i love it!

^^we had a couple of traditional jack-o-lanterns, a witch, some aliens, silly faced pumpkin, a work of art pumpkin, a red sox pumpkin, and a cruiser pumpkin (hmmm...i wonder who's that one was).  love how creative my little family is!

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