Thursday, September 8, 2011

another sunday i will never forget

inspired. that's the word i'll use to sum up the experience i had sunday.

my first counselor gave our presidency lesson. "who am i?" she asked us to get in pairs. once we were in pairs she had us face our partner, the front of our knees touching each other. then she said we are going to stare into our partner's eyes for 2 minutes. (yes, i also was freaking out) "the eyes are windows to the soul." as incredibly uncomfortable as this was going to be i looked at my partner and she smiled with a smile of “yeah, i’m uncomfortable too”, and we began to stare. seconds into it to my partner began to cry. a steady stream of tears were running down her face. this brought tears to my eyes. every now and then we would smile and laugh because we both realized how silly we felt and tried to break the awkwardness that was surely fading. after the two longest minutes of my life were over we were asked to tell the other person what we saw and felt. she would say something, i would say something. this is when i began to cry. the words she used to describe what she saw in me were words i would have never associated with myself. humility, love, confident, spirituality, light. we were then asked to write down words for ourselves and what we wanted to be. i underlined the words my partner said to me because i want to be those things. and so much more. in the close of the lesson the teacher asked the group to share about their experience. i loved how many people paired with someone they did not know. i loved the closeness that came from this. i loved the feeling of sisterhood and love that was felt so strongly that my soul was going to burst. unity. it was beautiful. there was not one woman in that room that did not feel it.

i pray that each woman that was there on sunday will also never forget the feelings they felt, the love that was shared, and the bond that was made.

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