Tuesday, May 31, 2011

over the long weekend...

gordon was away in moab.

so i did my cleaning early (knowing it would stay cleaner than normal since it was just me and the dogs)

started some home projects that were long over due (painting things my favorite color just might be one of favorite things to do.  you can never too much mustard yellow right?)

went to my first swap/flee market.  let's just say it won't be my last.  i scored an awesome metal chair that fits perfectly on my front porch, a couple of records, and a metal cooler for the husband, all for a steal of a deal.

went out to breakfast with my sister

went to church alone, and was planning on leaving early from my last meeting but one of the sweet young women in my sunday school class saw me sitting alone and sat by me.

woke up to snow on memorial day

went to a family memorial day/birthday party bbq.

and stayed home every night all by myself.  no sleeping at my mom's this time.  not even once.  i'm such a grown up.

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