Thursday, August 29, 2013

a visit from baby 's'

it's been two months since little miss 's' and her parents moved to the sunshine state.  she and her mama are visiting for a week and i can't tell you how much she's changed!  she's so big and smiles all. the. time!  she's the most precious thing.  while we were all together the other night, the littlest little man snuggled up to her, put his head on her belly and began sucking his thumb.  all the while little miss 's' was smiling as happily as can be to be reunited with her best little baby friend/cousin.  it was one of the most tender moments of my life!  i just love all these little ones we get to be aunt and uncle too!

p.s. i chopped off half my hair.  and i love it!
i've had long hair for eights years long enough.  it was time for a change.

Monday, August 26, 2013

weekend moment: a drive

we had a saturday at home!  we love our little getaways but a weekend at home was needed to catch up on laundry and other household responsibilities.  as saturday drew to a close, we got cabin fever.  so a drive up the canyon we took!  we were a little risky and didn't even put the dogs in their kennels.  crazy, i know.  they loved it.  head out the window the entire time and everything.  and the sunset after the rainstorm that we got to see was breathtaking.  utah is rad.

Monday, August 19, 2013

weekend moment: movie in the park - park city style

muscle shoals, outdoor film screening
park city, utah
in conjunction with the kimball arts festival

it was a rough go around getting ourselves up to park city.  mostly because i had to stop at the outlets to see if there was anything i was dying to have at jcrew.  my little pit stop may have caused us to run a bit late.  to an event that was jammed packed.  and which we walked the opposite direction of the theater in our haste to arrive before the movie started.  but we made it, ate not so delicious food from the sports bar, and watched an interesting movie about the musical city muscle shoals in alabama, known for the muscle shoals sound that became very popular in the 60s and 70s (my favorite eras of time!).  it was a nice change of scenery and climate (nice and chilly at night...a summer nights dream!), but i was exhausted when we arrived home after midnight.  am i getting old?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

we love our neighbors!

what makes our neighborhood the best in the world?  besides the amazing mountains in our backyard...our neighbors!  these people in that photo right there are the very best.

oh, and the slip 'n' slide was extreme!  the park by our house has a very large hill (that's 3 large billboard signs you see as our slip 'n' slide).  bbq of the summer?  i'd say so!

Monday, August 12, 2013

play date with the littles: splash pad

our agenda according to the little man:
first, play on the big dry park
second, play on the small dry park
third, play in the splash pad
repeat until lunchtime.

*we love our play dates so much!  
we usually take the bigger kids with us for an outing of some kind.
then we go to lunch.
then we go back to their house, spend time with the littlest man while their mama has some time for her, and play some more.
this time little man showed us his secret ninja moves.  we also know entirely too much about lego ninjas.
we love it!

Friday, August 2, 2013

favorite things

favorite things party hosted by gordon's cousin annie.
each person was asked to bring 4 favorite things (all the same thing and it could be anything as long as it was $6 or less)
you write your name down 4 times and stick in a bowl
when it's your turn to give away your favorite thing, you draw 4 names out of the bowl and whoever you drew gets to go home with your favorite thing to try!
i had such a great time at this party.  the party game was fun, the food was outstanding (no surprise, annie is a fabulous chef!), and i went home with some fun things to try.
i'd be lying if i said i wasn't planning my own favorite things party on the drive home.  it was that fun!