i know that it is not by chance that lds general conference happens twice a year. for me, it always comes at a time when so many things weigh heavy on my mind and heart. when i need that extra push, reminder, love, and hope in my life. this general conference was no different. in fact, i'm not sure i would be able to keep moving forward if it wasn't for talks that were so direct and perfect for some things that are so personal and deep in my life at this moment.
the unknowns of life have been getting me down. goals i knew i wanted to meet were being questioned. things i thought i knew were fuzzy. i felt down and low, and although nothing in my daily spiritual routine had changed, i felt alone and sorry for myself.
and then i watched the general womens meeting the week before conference. the love and hope i had been yearning for filled my soul. but i needed more.
and so as i did my saturday chores i listened to the sessions of conference. and cried.
my heavenly father knows me. he loves me. and he knew what i needed at the very time in my life that i needed it most.
i cried in just about every talk. in every talk there was something meant just for me. each of them left me feeling loved and with a desire and hope in god's plan for me.
i will never be able to deny that this gospel is true. too many personal revelations have happened in my life to ever deny what i know.
i will be grateful to my heavenly father forever for restoring his gospel in these latter days, that i may be apart of this marvelous work and dance the dance that he has set forth for me.
i am so grateful to have the family i have, and to have gordon as my eternal companion. there is no one in this life more precious to me than him. he is truly the one i was meant to be with forever and i am so grateful we honor each other they way we do.
i have begun listening to the conference talks again. the strength, hope, courage and zest for life are renewed. no, my circumstances have not changed, but my outlook has and i am so very grateful for that.